Among the components included in this package, we examine your heart health for any existing or potential blockages. Also included is a look at your overall sexual health and wellness. The complete data analysis will allow us to map a path for your ideal health for years to come.
This comprehensive package includes:
CT scans for your head, lungs, heart, abdomen, and pelvis
Carotid doppler ultrasound of the arteries in your neck
Nuclear stress testing of your heart
Complete vitamin and mineral tests
Genetic testing of tumor markers
Chromosomal testing to test the health of your DNA
Body composition analysis and weight loss treatment prescriptions
6 Month Follow up
Elective options include:
Bone density testing
Hormonal analysis
CLEERLY™ AI Cardiac testing
Virtual colonoscopy
Total body vascular scan (neck, abdominal and leg arteries)
CT scan for amyloid